Author's posts

Day 22: 40 Days of Thankfulness

  Today is the 31st anniversary of my pituitary surgery at NIH. As one can imagine, it hasn’t been all happiness and light.  Most of my journey has been documented here and on the message boards – and elsewhere around the web. My Cushing’s has been in remission for most of these 31 years.  Due …

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Day 21: 40 Days of Thankfulness

  Today I’m so thankful for OakMarr and its swimming pool! Most Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I go to water excercise classes there.  There is a different instructor each day which was weird at first but I like it now because they all teach different exercises.  One of my favorite instructors is actually a sub, …

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Day 20: 40 Days of Thankfulness

I hope I’m not jinxing myself but today I am thankful that I haven’t had any migraines for a while.   It’s not “just” not having migraines, but the fact that, should I get one, there’s nothing I can do about them anymore.   I used to get migraines quite often, a hormone thing probably. …

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Day 19: 40 Days of Thankfulness

  Today I am thankful for my dog, Mimi. She’s a beautiful dog, sweet, loving and usually very mild-mannered, but she’ll bark her head off whenever she hears someone in the driveway.   Tonight, she barked at potential trick-or-treaters and we have lots of candy left over.    Thanks, Mimi!  

Stay Safe Out There!


Scotland Invented Halloween :)

IT SOUNDS like a bold claim to make, but evidence suggests that, if not for Scotland, Halloween would not exist – at least not as the world knows it.In medieval times, the 31st of October was the last day of the old Celtic calendar.   Scots druids referred to it as Samhuinn, a term which …

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Day 18: 40 Days of Thankfulness

Adapted from   Today is the anniversary of my one and only zipline experience. I had been thinking about doing this since my kidney cancer surgery 3 years earlier.  I figured I had “extra years” and I wanted to do something kinda scary, yet fun. So, somehow, I decided on ziplining. All the following is …

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Day 17: 40 Days of Thankfulness

  Our son Facetimed Sunday, just to chat. I am thankful that he’s doing so well for himself, has a wonderful new wife, has a good job, good friends, is a fine musician and that he’s not afraid to say he loves his parents.   We love you, too!  

Day 16: 40 Days of Thankfulness

  Today I am thankful for my church choir.  Last year at this time, the “low voice choir” formerly the Men’s Choir sang this:     I’ve had a long history with singing from the time I was a kid singing in the choir at my Dad’s church in Springfield, Mass. In High School we …

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Day 15: 40 Days of Thankfulness

  Today I am thankful that the skunk already passed by when I took Mimi out for a walk a couple days ago! It’s so not fair! I can’t smell lots of flowers or perfumes but I can smell a skunk blocks away.          

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