Each year, May 25 is Towel Day. Do you know why? Towel Day is celebrated every year on 25 May as a tribute to the author Douglas Adams by his fans. On this day, fans carry a towel with them, as described in Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, to demonstrate their appreciation for …
Category: Books
Oct 09
Chantilly Library Fall Book Sale
Details 4000 Stringfellow Road, Chantilly, VA Mark your calendars for the Chantilly Library fall book sale: Friday, October 28, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Saturday, October 29, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, October 30, Clearance Sale ($10/box), 1-4 p.m. We have a great selection of gently used books, DVDs, CDs and audio books for children and adults …
Jun 26
New Children’s Books
Jun 23
Take a book. Leave a book. Remake a book.
Have you ever walked past a Little Free Library, those house-shaped boxes along sidewalks filled with books? If so, did you look inside? They’re often filled with books, and if you look at enough of them, you’ll see some of the same kinds of books start to repeat: romance novels, detective fiction, used children’s books, …
May 16
Who Knew?
Today is National Biographer’s Day! National Biographer’s Day commemorates the anniversary of the first meeting of Samuel Johnson and his biographer James Boswell in London, England on May 16, 1763, and honors all biographers. A biography is a written account of another person’s life. Famous poet, essayist, literary critic, editor and lexicographer, Johnson …
Apr 12
A Bit about BookCrossing
Several years ago, my mom found a book with a curious label in it. The label said it was a “BookCrossing” book. My mom doesn’t have a computer, so I registered the book and I was off and running. I think this idea is so cool. Each book has a unique BCID (BookCrossing ID). …
Apr 07
Our Little Free Library on the Front Page of our Local Newspaper!
Hooray! I’m not sure if we’re getting any more readers from this but we’re definitely getting more book donations. Right now, we’re getting an average of 5 new books donated each day – faster than I can keep up with stamping and adding BookCrossing bookplates. I have started reading up …
Apr 04
I spent many years helping the school librarian in my son’s elementary school. They do fantastic things! April 4th is National School Librarian Day. It is set aside to honor all school librarians. School librarians spend long hours keeping the library organized, helping our children find the resources they need to keep learning and are …
Apr 04
Beverly Cleary on turning 100: Kids today ‘don’t have the freedom’ I had – The Washington Post
The Greenbriar Little Free Library currently has a few Beverly Cleary books – but they don’t stick around long! Beverly Cleary doesn’t really want to talk about turning 100. “Go ahead and fuss,” she says of the big day, April 12. “Everyone else is.” Across the country, people are delving into Cleary nostalgia, with …
Apr 03