Category: Holidays

Giving Thanks, Day 12

  Today I am thankful for my church choir.  A few years ago the “low voice choir” formerly the Men’s Choir will be singing this:     I’ve had a long history with singing from the time I was a kid singing in the choir at my Dad’s church in Springfield, Mass.   In High …

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Giving Thanks on Veterans Day

Giving thanks to our Veterans today I’m not sure how Veterans Day turned into a Monday holiday and a day to sell stuff, but then, most every holiday has turned into a day for stores to run “sales”.  Possibly, the original intent was to give our veterans a break but it has sure morphed away …

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Water, Water, Everywhere (Starting in 2017!)

I originally posted this in November 2017. All the boxes still aren’t unpacked yet. Most of the clothes aren’t unpacked/put away yet, either. But, life goes on and we’re doing the best we can. This next series started as a Facebook post on November 12, 2017  11/5/17 Rang bells early service Water running up the …

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Happy Halloween!


Who Knew? Scotland Invented Halloween!

IT SOUNDS like a bold claim to make, but evidence suggests that, if not for Scotland, Halloween would not exist – at least not as the world knows it.In medieval times, the 31st of October was the last day of the old Celtic calendar. Scots druids referred to it as Samhuinn, a term which loosely …

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Columbus Day, 2024

The day signifies Christopher Columbus’ arrival to America on October 12, 1492   Colorado first observed Columbus Day in 1906 as it became an official state holiday.  More and more people and states began to recognize Columbus Day.   In 1937, Columbus Day became a federal holiday in the United States.  There are many instances of people observing …

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Yay! National Coffee Day

s   If you know me, you know that I nearly always have a cup of coffee nearby, at all times.  I’m glad that coffee has its own day now 🙂   The date might not be marked on your calendar, but if you are like more than 50 percent of adults who drink coffee …

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I Almost Forgot…

  Though folklorists claim there is no written evidence for the superstition before the nineteenth century, the date has long been connected to notorious events in history and religion. According to Roman Catholic belief, one of the most significant events in their religion and many others – the crucifixion of Jesus Christ – took place …

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#911 Tartan

  The #911Tartan by designer Stacy Clark. This somber #tartan was designed to remember the fateful events of September 11, 2001. 9/11″ is literally weaved within the very fabric of the material. In 16oz wool the thread count is 234 (2+3+4=”9″) and the sett is 6.5″ (6+5=”11″), hence 9/11. In regard to the colors, the …

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9/11 – We Will Always Remember :(

I originally wrote this on 9/11/01…   I, too, was stunned to hear the news this morning and continuing throughout the day. It was just something unbelievable.  My husband and I were on a Land Rover 4X4 tour of the off-road areas of Barbados when we first got the news. At first, when we got …

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