Category: Who Knew?

Popcorn Day!

  Join us on January 19 as we celebrate National Popcorn Day! Buttered, salted, kettled, drizzled with caramel, popcorn is one of those snacks perfect anytime, anywhere. It’s great on the go, in the theater, or in your living room! Just be prepared to dig some of it out of your teeth.   I’m actually a huge fan …

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Greyfriar’s Bobby Day!

When we were in Scotland a couple years ago, we walked to Edinburgh Castle and back from hotel a couple times. I had never heard of Greyfriar’s Bobby until our bus tour the second day although we had walked by the statue 3 times already! On our 4th pass-by, we saw several people taking pictures …

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Today is…National Shortbread Day

Shortbread is a classic Scottish dessert  traditionally made with: 1 part white sugar (I use powdered) 2 parts butter 3 parts flour (I usually use rice flour) And a bit of salt Shortbread is so named because of its crumbly texture which is caused by its high-fat content, provided by the butter.   “Shortening” is …

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Happy Fibonacci Day

  November 23 is Fibonacci Day, an annual holiday that honors one of the most influential mathematicians of the Middle Ages – Leonardo Bonacci. Date Sequence November 23 is celebrated as Fibonacci day because when the date is written in the mm/dd format (11/23), the digits in the date form a Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,2,3. A …

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Who Knew? Scotland Invented Halloween!

IT SOUNDS like a bold claim to make, but evidence suggests that, if not for Scotland, Halloween would not exist – at least not as the world knows it.In medieval times, the 31st of October was the last day of the old Celtic calendar. Scots druids referred to it as Samhuinn, a term which loosely …

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Yay! National Coffee Day

s   If you know me, you know that I nearly always have a cup of coffee nearby, at all times.  I’m glad that coffee has its own day now 🙂   The date might not be marked on your calendar, but if you are like more than 50 percent of adults who drink coffee …

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#911 Tartan

  The #911Tartan by designer Stacy Clark. This somber #tartan was designed to remember the fateful events of September 11, 2001. 9/11″ is literally weaved within the very fabric of the material. In 16oz wool the thread count is 234 (2+3+4=”9″) and the sett is 6.5″ (6+5=”11″), hence 9/11. In regard to the colors, the …

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National Read A Book Day

In another of the “Who Knew” Holidays…   National Read A Book Day is observed annually on September 6th. Don’t keep it to yourself.  Share the experience!  Read aloud to anyone who will listen. Reading improves memory and concentration as well as reduces stress.   Older adults who spend time reading show a slower cognitive …

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Happy Ice Cream Day!

  National Ice Cream Day is observed each year on the 3rd Sunday in July and is a part of National Ice Cream Month.  This day is a fun celebration enjoyed with a bowl, cup or cone filled with your favorite flavor of ice cream. Thousands of years ago, people in the Persian Empire would …

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World Emoji Day

  Another of those Who Knew holidays.   World Emoji Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated on July 17. The day is deemed a “global celebration of emoji” and is primarily celebrated online. Celebrated annually since 2014,[NBC reported that the day was Twitter’s top trending item on July 17 in 2015. Now before the emoji, …

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