Category: Who Knew?

#911 Tartan

  The #911Tartan by designer Stacy Clark. This somber #tartan was designed to remember the fateful events of September 11, 2001. 9/11″ is literally weaved within the very fabric of the material. In 16oz wool the thread count is 234 (2+3+4=”9″) and the sett is 6.5″ (6+5=”11″), hence 9/11. In regard to the colors, the …

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National Read A Book Day

In another of the “Who Knew” Holidays…   National Read A Book Day is observed annually on September 6th. Don’t keep it to yourself.  Share the experience!  Read aloud to anyone who will listen. Reading improves memory and concentration as well as reduces stress.   Older adults who spend time reading show a slower cognitive …

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Happy Ice Cream Day!

  National Ice Cream Day is observed each year on the 3rd Sunday in July and is a part of National Ice Cream Month.  This day is a fun celebration enjoyed with a bowl, cup or cone filled with your favorite flavor of ice cream. Thousands of years ago, people in the Persian Empire would …

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World Emoji Day

  Another of those Who Knew holidays.   World Emoji Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated on July 17. The day is deemed a “global celebration of emoji” and is primarily celebrated online. Celebrated annually since 2014,[NBC reported that the day was Twitter’s top trending item on July 17 in 2015. Now before the emoji, …

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National Sunglasses Day

    Elton John has over a thousand pairs, Canadian singer Corey Hart only wears his at night, and you can tell the good guys from the bad guys in The Matrix by the shape of theirs. What am I talking about? Sunglasses, of course! There’s nothing quite as stylish as a pair of shades, …

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National Cancer Survivor’s Day

    Observed annually on the first Sunday in June, National Cancer Survivor’s Day has been set aside to “demonstrate that life after a cancer diagnosis can be a reality.” Each year on National Cancer Survivor’s Day, events and celebrations are held and hosted around the United States by local communities, hospitals and support groups honoring …

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National Fudge Day

Ever hear anyone exclaim, “Oh, fudge!” when they’ve screwed something up? Like the Slinky, the Post-It note, potato chips, and penicillin, the dense candy-like treat known as fudge is believed to have been a mistake. According to legend, a confectioner flubbed while trying to make caramel, but ended up creating something just as tasty. We …

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National Pop Goes the Weasel Day

June 14 is set aside to observe National Pop Goes the Weasel Day.  On this day people dig back into their memories to the nursery rhymes they learned as children and celebrate the day singing “Pop Goes the Weasel”.   The origins of this nursery rhyme are believed to date back to the 1700′s. The …

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Cancer Survivor’s Day

    Observed annually on the first Sunday in June, National Cancer Survivor’s Day has been set aside to “demonstrate that life after a cancer diagnosis can be a reality.” Each year on National Cancer Survivor’s Day, events and celebrations are held and hosted around the United States by local communities, hospitals and support groups honoring …

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National Hole in My Bucket Day

  May 30, of each year, National Hole in My Bucket Day is observed.   This wacky holiday is in honor of the fun children’s song; There’s a Hole in My Bucket. The song which has origins in 1700 Germany, is about a back and forth conversation between Henry and Liza.  Henry needs to fix his …

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