Category: Memories

Happy National Tap Dance Day!

  Another of the Who Knew?-type posts. It’s National Tap Dance Day.  When I was a little kid, I took the “required” ballet and tap classes for a year.  My mom has a picture of me in my tutu and one in my majorette costume for the tap recital.  I imagine I only took for the year …

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Don’t Forget Your Towel Today!

Each year, May 25 is Towel Day.  Do you know why? Towel Day is celebrated every year on 25 May as a tribute to the author Douglas Adams by his fans. On this day, fans carry a towel with them, as described in Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, to demonstrate their appreciation for …

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Lucky Penny Day

  See a penny, pick it up… All day long you’ll have good luck. When you are out and about today, look on the ground for pennies. It just might be your lucky day! My mom is forever picking up pennies – or anything that’s cash-looking.  She’s made a record over the years of how …

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Mother Goose

  I don’t know why geese fascinate me but they have for years.  I love how the father stands watch over the family-to-be and when they’re crossing the street – mom in front, babies, then dad. Lately, I’ve been seeing goose families everywhere. When I went to an appointment last week, I noticed a goose …

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  18 years ago today, I had my left kidney and 10 pounds of cancer removed.  This anniversary is, of course, a big    A few weeks before that surgery, I had returned to Johns Hopkins to be retested for Growth Hormone.  There’s a whole lot of info on my past experiences with HGH in my …

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The Battle of Culloden was the final confrontation of the Jacobite rising of 1745. On this date, 16 April 1746, the Jacobite army of Charles Edward Stuart was decisively defeated by a British government force under Prince William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, on Drummossie Moor near Inverness in the Scottish Highlands. 1250 Jacobites died at …

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Today is Barbershop Quartet Day!

National Barbershop Quartet Day is observed annually on April 11.  Barbershop quartets have a way making the heart flutter.  Very often they transport us back to a simpler time or at the least make it stand still. Barbershop quartets are a style of a cappella or unaccompanied vocal music.  Their music features songs with understandable lyrics …

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It All Started With a Train

I was reading this great article at and saw that the header image was a train we were on in 2007, the White Pass & Yukon Route out of Skagway, Alaska. The Thrillist folks said “As you cruise along the side of frighteningly sheer cliff-drops on this narrow-gauge railway, you can’t help but wonder who in …

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Saint Patrick’s Day ~ Riverdance

Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the globe observe St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green. When I was a child, my …

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Beware! The Ides of March

Everyone knows we’re supposed to beware the Ides of March and may even remember they’re from William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” but what exactly do they mean? The Ides of March marked the day the Julius Caesar was assassinated by members of the Roman Senate in 44 B.C.E. A soothsayer, or psychic, warned Caesar to beware …

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