Category: Thoughts

It’s Red Hackle Day

Today is Red Hackle Day. This annual celebration on 5 January commemorates the award to The Black Watch of the right to wear the Red Hackle. Originally thought to be as a reward for their achievement at the Battle of Geldermaisen in 1794, in fact there is evidence to show that the Red Hackle was worn by …

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Giving Thanks, Day 21

  Today, and every day, I am thankful for coffee. Without it, I would have a daily headache and I’d have even less energy than I have now.   I first started drinking coffee when I had my first job as a waitress at a Hayes-Bickford in Boston, MA. This was a summer job. A …

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Giving Thanks on Veterans Day

Giving thanks to our Veterans today I’m not sure how Veterans Day turned into a Monday holiday and a day to sell stuff, but then, most every holiday has turned into a day for stores to run “sales”.  Possibly, the original intent was to give our veterans a break but it has sure morphed away …

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Giving Thanks, Day 2

Today I am hugely thankful that the last major issue we had here was in 2013 when Tom had his heart attack.  That event caused me to start a whole new blog to post about our experiences.     Adapted from   January 27, 2013 was our 40th anniversary.  DH called me and said he …

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I was sure I said NO the first time…

Hurricane Season

All this talk about Hurricanes reminds me of Hurricane Carol which hit where we lived when I was a kid. At the time we lived in Pawcatuck, Connecticut, right on the line with Westerly, Rhode Island.  Luckily, we also lived on a small hill.   My Mom said “let’s go down and see the waves” …

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9/11 – We Will Always Remember :(

I originally wrote this on 9/11/01…   I, too, was stunned to hear the news this morning and continuing throughout the day. It was just something unbelievable.  My husband and I were on a Land Rover 4X4 tour of the off-road areas of Barbados when we first got the news. At first, when we got …

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“Twas a Dark and Stormy

Well, not quite like the Dark & Stormy drink from Bermuda. More of this post to be continued…


All this talk about Hurricanes reminds me of Hurricane Carol which hit where we lived when I was a kid. At the time we lived in Pawcatuck, Connecticut, right on the line with Westerly, Rhode Island.  Luckily, we also lived on a small hill.   My Mom said “let’s go down and see the waves” …

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Things I Do as an Adult Because of Childhood Emotional Abuse | The Mighty

Most all these comments are way too close for comfort! It has been said that “no one escapes childhood unscathed.” But sayings like these can have an especially significant meaning for a person who has experienced emotional abuse as a child. The effects of emotional abuse can be both debilitating and far-reaching, often extending out …

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