Category: Thoughts

It All Started With a Train

I was reading this great article at and saw that the header image was a train we were on in 2007, the White Pass & Yukon Route out of Skagway, Alaska. The Thrillist folks said “As you cruise along the side of frighteningly sheer cliff-drops on this narrow-gauge railway, you can’t help but wonder who in …

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It’s Red Hackle Day

Today is Red Hackle Day. This annual celebration on 5 January commemorates the award to The Black Watch of the right to wear the Red Hackle. Originally thought to be as a reward for their achievement at the Battle of Geldermaisen in 1794, in fact there is evidence to show that the Red Hackle was worn by …

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Giving Thanks, Day 21

  Today, and every day, I am thankful for coffee. Without it, I would have a daily headache and I’d have even less energy than I have now.   I first started drinking coffee when I had my first job as a waitress at a Hayes-Bickford in Boston, MA. This was a summer job. A …

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Giving Thanks on Veterans Day

Giving thanks to our Veterans today I’m not sure how Veterans Day turned into a Monday holiday and a day to sell stuff, but then, most every holiday has turned into a day for stores to run “sales”.  Possibly, the original intent was to give our veterans a break but it has sure morphed away …

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Giving Thanks, Day 2

Today I am hugely thankful that the last major issue we had here was in 2013 when Tom had his heart attack.  That event caused me to start a whole new blog to post about our experiences.     Adapted from   January 27, 2013 was our 40th anniversary.  DH called me and said he …

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I was sure I said NO the first time…

Hurricane Season

All this talk about Hurricanes reminds me of Hurricane Carol which hit where we lived when I was a kid. At the time we lived in Pawcatuck, Connecticut, right on the line with Westerly, Rhode Island.  Luckily, we also lived on a small hill.   My Mom said “let’s go down and see the waves” …

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9/11 – We Will Always Remember :(

I originally wrote this on 9/11/01…   I, too, was stunned to hear the news this morning and continuing throughout the day. It was just something unbelievable.  My husband and I were on a Land Rover 4X4 tour of the off-road areas of Barbados when we first got the news. At first, when we got …

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“Twas a Dark and Stormy

Well, not quite like the Dark & Stormy drink from Bermuda. More of this post to be continued…


All this talk about Hurricanes reminds me of Hurricane Carol which hit where we lived when I was a kid. At the time we lived in Pawcatuck, Connecticut, right on the line with Westerly, Rhode Island.  Luckily, we also lived on a small hill.   My Mom said “let’s go down and see the waves” …

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