I’m loving this TV show from Britain! Dickensian is a British drama television series that premiered on BBC One from 26 December 2015 to 21 February 2016. The 20-part series brings characters from many Charles Dickens novels together in one Victorian London neighbourhood, as Inspector Bucket investigates the murder of Ebenezer Scrooge‘s partner Jacob Marley. We are staying in a Residence Inn long …
Category: Thoughts
Nov 11
Giving Thanks, Day 25: November 11, 2017
Giving thanks to our Veterans today I’m not sure how Veterans Day turned into a Friday holiday and a day to sell stuff, but then, most every holiday has turned into a day for stores to run “sales”. Possibly, the original intent was to give our veterans a break but it has sure morphed …
May 25
Next week I’m going to a conference in Nashville for one of my jobs. The last time – actually the only other time – I was there, it was for a Cushing’s Conference. There are two albums of photos on Facebook from that conference. Part one and Part two (Duh!) It makes me sad just …
Mar 16
It All Started With a Train
I was reading this great article at https://www.thrillist.com/travel/nation/best-scenic-train-rides-us?wpsrc=thrillist and saw that the header image was a train we were on in 2007, the White Pass & Yukon Route out of Skagway, Alaska. The Thrillist folks said “As you cruise along the side of frighteningly sheer cliff-drops on this narrow-gauge railway, you can’t help but wonder who in …
Jan 13
Also on January 13…
Today, January 13, holds a couple anniversaries for me. I remember the day of the Air Florida Flight 90 Crash in 1982 so well. We were living in the Metro DC area and our young son had just turned 2 in December. Tom, my DH, worked in DC and I was never sure the route that …
Dec 03
Tartan History
Seems like I still have Scotland on the brain since we went last summer and we have plans to go again the summer of 2016. Several of the gifts I’m giving this Christmas are Scottish-based so… According to A History of Tartan: Chaotic yet orderly, clashingly exuberant, tartan’s history jumble fact with outrageous fiction. …
May 09
NED for 9 years!
NED stands for No Evidence of Disease Amazing! It’s Been 9 Years, Already. Today is the Ninth Anniversary of my kidney cancer surgery. These nine years have been bonus years for me. What were the odds I’d get kidney cancer? According to my “risk factors”, I “should” have had colon cancer because …