Tartan Day: 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Scotland – ABC News

I have my Black Watch tartan ready to go to wear at the parade in New York this weekend…



Don’t be surprised if you see people decked out in tartan this weekend. Today, April 6, the United States is celebrating National Tartan Day. The day is intended to recognize the contributions of Scottish Americans to the U.S.

Here’s a look at five things you didn’t know about Scotland…
Read the whole article at: Tartan Day: 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Scotland – ABC News




April 6 is National Tartan Day. This is an official national holiday.

National Tartan Day honors all the Scottish heritage that flows through this nation.

From its earliest beginnings, Americans with Scottish ancestry endeavored for that freedom as much as any American.  It was in their blood.

It was 400 years before they had declared –“For we fight not for glory, nor riches, nor honours, but for freedom alone which no good man give sup except for his life.”  – from the Declaration of Arbroath

It might be surprising to know that of the 13 governors in the newly established United States, 9 where Scots. There are 56 signatures on the Declaration of Independence.

Some scholars suggest nearly a third of those signers were of Scottish descent. Not only can we point to the country’s founding fathers, but of the 43 Presidents who have taken office, 33 have been of Scottish descent.

Those with Scottish blood were and are independent and resourceful. They are prolific inventors and writers. They are talented musicians and artist, skilled leaders and scholars. In the United States today, over 11 million Americans claim Scottish or Scotch-Irish roots. That makes them the 8th largest ethnic group in the United States.


Check local civic websites for parades, ceremonies and events.  Wear your tartan and use #NationalTartanDay to post on social media.

Black Watch tartan

Black Watch tartan


On March 20, 1998, the United States Senate passed Resolution 155 that designated April 6th of each year as National Tartan Day to recognize Scottish Americans and their achievements and contributions to the United States.

On March 9, 2005, the House passed Resolution 41 and by Presidential Proclamation, it was signed by President George W. Bush on April 4, 2008.

On this day in 1320, Scot’s signed the Declaration of Arbroath, formally declaring their independence from England.

For more information visit www.americanscottishfoundation.com.


Adapted from: NATIONAL TARTAN DAY – April 6th | National Day Calendar


I spent many years helping the school librarian in my son’s elementary school.

They do fantastic things!

April 4th is National School Librarian Day.  It is set aside to honor all school librarians.

School librarians spend long hours keeping the library organized, helping our children find the resources they need to keep learning and are dedicated to creating an environment they can learn in every day of the year.  All of this hard work often goes unappreciated.

The school librarians aid our youth in many ways, and their patience sets an example for our children on a daily basis.

Read the entire article here: NATIONAL SCHOOL LIBRARIAN DAY – April 4 | National Day Calendar

Beverly Cleary on turning 100: Kids today ‘don’t have the freedom’ I had – The Washington Post

The Greenbriar Little Free Library currently has a few Beverly Cleary books – but they don’t stick around long!


Beverly Cleary doesn’t really want to talk about turning 100. “Go ahead and fuss,” she says of the big day, April 12. “Everyone else is.”

Across the country, people are delving into Cleary nostalgia, with celebrations and new editions of her books with introductions by the likes of Amy Poehler and Judy Blume. Kids and adults are being asked to “Drop Everything and Read” to commemorate Cleary’s contribution to children’s literature.

But the beloved children’s author has something far more low-key in mind f

Read the entire article here: Beverly Cleary on turning 100: Kids today ‘don’t have the freedom’ I had – The Washington Post

The New Shelf is IN!


The new shelf is in.

We continue to get book donations – many thanks to all who have donated!  One of my piano students brought a bag of children’s books to his last lesson 🙂

Greenbriar Little Free Library #33664


Adding a New Shelf

Screenshot 2016-04-02 09.00.25


The Greenbriar Little Free Library #33664 has only been open for a week but donations are coming in so modification are alreading being made.

There’s also talk of a “Children’s Annex” but we’ll see about that!


A is for an April Fool’s Day Joke 

Q: How many critics does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Critics can’t change a light bulb. But they’ll watch you do it and tell you a hundred ways you could have done it better.

Source: A is for an April Fool’s Day Joke | ARHtistic License

Little Free Library Fest announces super-adorable schedule


You may have noticed Little Free Libraries popping up in your neighborhood in recent years. The adorable mailbox-type structures invite people to borrow a book or contribute a book for free.

Source: Little Free Library Fest announces super-adorable schedule | City Pages

The Little Free Library is Finished!

The paint has dried, so now to add the books today 🙂


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Here’s us, at the top of the list:  Find a Little Free Library near you at http://locator.njntrubl.com/



Greenbriar Little Free Library #33664 is on Facebook at   https://www.facebook.com/GreenbriarLittleFreeLibrary/





Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!



Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the globe observe St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green.




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