Another anniversary rolls around, the 52nd, to be exact. From a couple year’s ago t-shirts: I always like to check out this picture of our wedding expenses. We have it framed and sitting on our mantle. Tom paid $50.46 (blood tests and wedding ring!) and my costs (I made my own dress) were $29.25. We …
Tag: anniversary
Nov 08
Giving Thanks, Day 8
- By MaryO in Giving Thanks, Memories, Thankfulness
Today I am hugely thankful that the last major issue we had here was in 2013 when Tom had his heart attack. That event caused me to start a whole new blog to post about our experiences. Adapted from It all started on our 40th wedding anniversary, when I fell on my knee …
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- anaesthesia, anniversary, antibiotics, Arctic Circle, aspirin, assume, blog, clearance, covid test, crown, cruise, dentist, dog, elevator, ensure, gatorade, Groundhog Day, heart attack, insurance, intake, Mannheim Steamroller, pain, physical therapy, reject-dentist, root canal, staph infection, surgeon, TKR, total knee replacement, UTI, video, water aerobics, Wonder of the Seas., x-ray
Nov 02
Giving Thanks, Day 2
- By MaryO in Giving Thanks, Memories, Thankfulness, Thoughts
Today I am hugely thankful that the last major issue we had here was in 2013 when Tom had his heart attack. That event caused me to start a whole new blog to post about our experiences. Adapted from January 27, 2013 was our 40th anniversary. DH called me and said he …
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- Acela, ambulance, anaesthesia, anniversary, arteries, aspirin, Benghazi, blog, brownie, bruise, brunch, cafeteria, cardiac catheterization, cardiac rehab, cellphone, chocolate, choir, church, conference, crying, CVS, doctor, dog, drive, EMT, ER, Fairfax Hospital, fear, flu season, goodie bag, headache, heart attack, heart catheterization, husband, ice, ICU, iPad, IV, Karen Carpenter, knee, MaryOMedical, meds, memories, memory, Mom, Monday, monitors, nap, nitroglycerin, nurse, OR, pastor, scrubs, son, Staff Parish Committee, stent, stress, surgeon, surgery, taxi, tests, Thanksgiving, train, triple bypass, weather, wedding, x-ray
Jan 27
Happy Anniversary, 2021!
Another anniversary rolls around, the 48th, to be exact. I always like to check out this picture of our wedding expenses. We have it framed and sitting on our mantle. Tom paid $50.46 (blood tests and wedding ring!) and my costs (I made my own dress) were $29.25. We were lucky. My dad was …
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Jan 27
“Happy Anniversary, 2020!
Another anniversary rolls around, the 47th, to be exact. I always like to check out this picture of our wedding expenses. We have it framed and sitting on our mantle. Tom paid $50.46 (blood tests and wedding ring!) and my costs (I made my own dress) were $29.25. We were lucky. My dad was …
Oct 13
40 Days of Thankfulness: Day One
- By MaryO in Giving Thanks, Memories, Thankfulness, Thoughts
Several years ago I decided to try Facebook’s 40 Days of Thankfulness and I’m going to post all 40 days here since I know that it will auto-post to Facebook and my blogs. Although I have had several problems in my life (and who hasn’t?), I’m sure I can come up with at least …
- 40 Days of Thankfulness, Acela, ambulance, anaesthesia, anniversary, arteries, aspirin, Benghazi, blog, brownie, bruise, brunch, cafeteria, cardiac catheterization, cardiac rehab, cellphone, chocolate, choir, church, conference, crying, CVS, doctor, dog, drive, EMT, ER, Facebook, Fairfax Hospital, fear, flu season, goodie bag, headache, heart attack, heart catheterization, husband, ice, ICU, iPad, IV, Karen Carpenter, knee, MaryOMedical, meds, memories, memory, Mom, Monday, monitors, nap, nitroglycerin, nurse, OR, pastor, scrubs, son, Staff Parish Committee, stent, stress, surgeon, surgery, taxi, tests, Thanksgiving, train, triple bypass, weather, wedding, x-ray
Jan 27
“Happy Anniversary, 2019!
Another anniversary rolls around, the 46th, to be exact. I always like to check out this picture of our wedding expenses. We have it framed and sitting on our mantle. Tom paid $50.26 (blood tests and wedding ring!) and my costs (I made my own dress) were $29.25. We were lucky. My dad was …
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Nov 05
Day 24: 40 Days of Thankfulness
- By MaryO in Giving Thanks, Memories, Thankfulness
Today I am hugely thankful that the last major issue we had here was prostate cancer this summer. I haven’t talked/written much about that because I want to be sure that the radiation and Lupron have done what they’re supposed to and this beast is gone. Before that the last major issue was in 2013 …
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- Acela, ambulance, anaesthesia, anniversary, arteries, aspirin, Benghazi, blog, brownie, bruise, brunch, cafeteria, cardiac catheterization, cardiac rehab, cellphone, chocolate, choir, church, conference, crying, CVS, doctor, dog, drive, EMT, ER, Fairfax Hospital, fear, flu season, goodie bag, headache, heart attack, heart catheterization, husband, ice, ICU, iPad, IV, Karen Carpenter, knee, Lupron, MaryOMedical, meds, memories, memory, Mom, Monday, monitors, nap, nitroglycerin, nurse, OR, pastor, prostate cancer, radiation, scrubs, son, Staff Parish Committee, stent, stress, surgeon, surgery, taxi, tests, train, triple bypass, weather, wedding, x-ray
Oct 13
Day 1: 40 Days of Thankfulness
- By MaryO in Giving Thanks, Memories, Thankfulness, Thoughts
Several years ago I decided to try Facebook’s 40 Days of Thankfulness and I’m going to post all 40 days here since I know that it will auto-post to Facebook and my blogs. Although I have had several problems in my life (and who hasn’t?), I’m sure I can come up with at least …
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- 40 Days of Thankfulness, Acela, ambulance, anaesthesia, anniversary, arteries, aspirin, Benghazi, blog, brownie, bruise, brunch, cafeteria, cardiac catheterization, cardiac rehab, cellphone, chocolate, choir, church, conference, crying, CVS, doctor, dog, drive, EMT, ER, Facebook, Fairfax Hospital, fear, flu season, goodie bag, headache, heart attack, heart catheterization, husband, ice, ICU, iPad, IV, Karen Carpenter, knee, MaryOMedical, meds, memories, memory, Mom, Monday, monitors, nap, nitroglycerin, nurse, OR, pastor, scrubs, son, Staff Parish Committee, stent, stress, surgeon, surgery, taxi, tests, Thanksgiving, train, triple bypass, weather, wedding, x-ray
Jan 27
Happy Anniversary, 2018!
I wasn’t home this year on our anniversary – the first one I’ve missed. I was in Southport, NC for the memorial celebration of our church’s former music director. Tom would have gone with me, but he was dealing with house issues that I’ll be posting about in the near future. Another anniversary rolls …
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