From November 6, 2017: As it turns out, I didn’t give thanks yesterday when the Roto-Rooter guy left yesterday as he did absolutely nothing. 🙁 Our troubles weren’t going down the drain at all. Today, I give thanks and shed a more than a few tears for a wonderful friend, co-worker, choir buddy, …
Tag: Facebook
Nov 01
Giving Thanks: Day Zero
Several years ago I decided to try Facebook’s 40 Days of Thankfulness and I’m going to post all 40 days here since I know that it will auto-post to Facebook and my blogs. Although I have had several problems in my life (and who hasn’t?), I’m sure I can come up with at least …
May 24
Can you Steal a Free Book?
From Book Riot Little Free Libraries are pure literary generosity. These charming book exchanges, which stand in front yards across the country (and around the world), are typically self-sustaining. Neighbors take a book when they see something they like, and donate a book when they have one to share. Through this cyclical system, Little …
Nov 23
Who Am I?
This was from one of those things on Facebook that many people like to post on their timeline. I clicked on it and the site analyzed my most used words over some period of time. I hate having these sites share on my timeline (I’m funny that way!) so I’m posting it here. The …
Nov 07
Day 22: 40 Days of Thankfulness
From last year… Today, I give thanks and shed a more than a few tears for a wonderful friend, co-worker, choir buddy, special person to everyone he met. I’m so thankful I got to sing in the choir honoring Tim – and I’m very thankful that this Celebration of Life was live-streamed on …
Dec 25
Water, Water, Everywhere… (notes only)
This next series started as a Facebook post on November 12, 2017 – 1 month ago today. 11/5/17 Rang bells early service Water running up the hall. Rug doctor from Giant. Grease Tom took out rug in our bedroom. 11/13/17 Still trying to sop up water. It was wet under Tom’s desk. 11/14/17 What a …
May 25
Next week I’m going to a conference in Nashville for one of my jobs. The last time – actually the only other time – I was there, it was for a Cushing’s Conference. There are two albums of photos on Facebook from that conference. Part one and Part two (Duh!) It makes me sad just …
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