From November 6, 2017: As it turns out, I didn’t give thanks yesterday when the Roto-Rooter guy left yesterday as he did absolutely nothing. 🙁 Our troubles weren’t going down the drain at all. Today, I give thanks and shed a more than a few tears for a wonderful friend, co-worker, choir buddy, …
Tag: Giving Thanks
Nov 05
Giving Thanks, Day 5
I hope I’m not jinxing myself but today I am thankful that I haven’t had any migraines for a while. It’s not “just” not having migraines, but the fact that, should I get one, there’s nothing I can do about them anymore. I used to get migraines quite often, a hormone thing probably. …
Nov 04
Giving Thanks, Day 4
Today, I’m thankful for my “Cushie Car”. Since I started attending Cushing’s events, I’ve always tried to rent a PT Cruiser. There’s just been something about them that I liked. A couple years ago, after my son was out of school, I was getting tired of driving the Mom-Carpool-Van everywhere. I think my mom …
Nov 03
Giving Thanks, Day 3
Nov 11
Giving Thanks on Veterans: November 11, 2019
Giving thanks to our Veterans today I’m not sure how Veterans Day turned into a Monday holiday and a day to sell stuff, but then, most every holiday has turned into a day for stores to run “sales”. Possibly, the original intent was to give our veterans a break but it has sure morphed away …
Oct 31
40 Days of Thankfulness: Day 19
Today I am thankful for my dog, Mimi. She’s a beautiful dog, sweet, loving and usually very mild-mannered, but she’ll bark her head off whenever she hears someone in the driveway. Tonight, she barked at potential trick-or-treaters and so we have lots of candy left over. Thanks, Mimi!
Oct 30
40 Days of Thankfulness: Day 18
Adapted from I had been thinking about trying ziplining since my kidney cancer surgery 3 years earlier. I figured I had “extra years” and I wanted to do something kinda scary, yet fun. So, somehow, I decided on ziplining. All the following is I wrote then: Day Four, November 18, 2009: Belize City, Honduras Today’s …
Oct 29
40 Days of Thankfulness: Day 17
Our son Facetimes nearly every Sunday, just to chat. I am thankful that he’s doing so well for himself, has a wonderful new wife, has a good job, good friends, is a fine musician and that he’s not afraid to say he loves his parents. We love you, too!
Oct 28
40 Days of Thankfulness: Day 16
I am thankful, believe it or not, that I had Cushing’s. Mind you, I wouldn’t want to have it now, although diagnoses and surgeries seem “easier” now. Having Cushing’s taught me a lot, including how to stick up for myself, how to read medical books to learn more about my disease, how to do …
Oct 27
40 Days of Thankfulness: Day 15
Today I am thankful for my church choir. Two years ago at this time, the “low voice choir” (formerly the Men’s Choir) sang this: I’ve had a long history with singing from the time I was a kid singing in the choir at my Dad’s church in Springfield, Mass. In High School we had a …