Tag: Little Free Library

Happy Birthday Again, Dr. Seuss!

My Little Free Library has a *few* Dr Seuss books in it Meanwhile… Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss) was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, where I also grew up and went to High School. The Springfield Library Quadrangle has been home to the Dr. Seuss National Memorial Sculpture Garden since 2002.

Little Free Library

  So far, Tom has filled in the cracks that appeared during shipping and has sanded everything down, getting ready for painting.   We’ve decided on a bright blue to match my car and a yellow roof (to make it Cushing’s colors!)   I’ve ordered stamps for the insides of the books, pencils with our …

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International Book Giving Day

  Some of you may know that I’m getting involved in Little Free Library (LFL) and there is a library on my street under the auspices of the O’Connor Music Studio. When our son was younger and used to come home for a visit, we would s go out on a hiking trail with the …

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Can you Steal a Free Book?

  From Book Riot Little Free Libraries are pure literary generosity. These charming book exchanges, which stand in front yards across the country (and around the world), are typically self-sustaining. Neighbors take a book when they see something they like, and donate a book when they have one to share. Through this cyclical system, Little …

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International Book Giving Day

  Some of you may know that I’m involved in Little Free Library (LFL) and is a library on my street under the auspices of the O’Connor Music Studio. When our son is home for a visit, we always go out on a hiking trail with the dog, Mimi, and sometimes my mom.  On one …

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Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

My Little Free Library has a *few* Dr Seuss books in it Meanwhile… Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss) was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, where I also grew up and went to High School. The Springfield Library Quadrangle has been home to the Dr. Seuss National Memorial Sculpture Garden since 2002.

Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss!

My Little Free Library has a *few* Dr Seuss books in it Meanwhile… Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss) was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, where I also grew up and went to High School. The Springfield Library Quadrangle has been home to the Dr. Seuss National Memorial Sculpture Garden since 2002.

It All Starts Somewhere

Last Saturday, we celebrated a late Thanksgiving since our son couldn’t get home any earlier.  Sunday afternoon, we did our usual “hike” (aka meander) which was taking our dog on a local trail.  Sometimes, my mom goes, sometimes not.  When she’s with us, we plan for an easier trail. Using an app that we have, …

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From My Email

  This week’s Library of Distinction is charter #39388 in Rush, New York! Find it on the world map. The story: “I absolutely loved the idea of Little Free Libraries but unfortunately had no skills to actually build one! After much searching, I found a giant used mailbox at a yard sale that I thought would …

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The Little Free Library Locator has Moved

  Find us or a nearby library here: https://lfl.openwichita.com/

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