Most people who know me know that I just love Busby Berkley. Earlier tonight, I had seen a video by chance on Facebook and one of the scenes mentioned Busby. So, I looked him up and came up with this great 4 part series. I’m not sure when it was made but some of …
Tag: The Nicholas Brothers
Nov 18
Major Excitement!
- 42nd Street, Busby Berkeley, Carmen Miranda, choreographer, choreography, dance, dancers, Eddie Cantor, Esther Williams, Fashions of 1934, Footlight Parade, Fox, Gold Diggers of 1933, Great Depression, In Caliente, Judy Garland, MGM, movie, movie musicals, National Museum of Dance C.V. Whitney Hall of Fame, showgirls, The Nicholas Brothers, video, Warner Bros., Wonder Bar Dolores del Río
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- ℹ️ Cushing's Syndrome OverviewCushing’s syndrome is a rare disorder that occurs when the body is exposed to too much cortisol. Cortisol is produced by the body and is also used in corticosteroid drugs. Cushing's syndrome can occur either because cortisol is being overproduced by the body or from the use of drugs that contain cortisol (like prednisone)…
- ℹ️ Cushing's Disease BasicsCushing's Disease is a rare condition caused by excessive production of cortisol, a hormone essential for various bodily functions. It is a specific form of Cushing's Syndrome, where the overproduction of cortisol is due to a tumor in the pituitary gland. The condition affects 10 to 15 people per million each year, predominantly women between […]
- 📰 Clinical and Surgical Outcomes of Pediatric Cushing’s Disease Following Endoscopic Transsphenoidal SurgeryCushing’s disease (CD) is characterized by hypercortisolism due to excessive adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion from a pituitary adenoma. Though more common in adults, pediatric cases constitute approximately 5% of those seen in adults. Early diagnosis and treatment are critical due to the severe impacts on growth and development in children. Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery (ETSS) is […]
- 🦓I t’s Kidney Cancer Awareness Month AgainKidney Cancer Awareness is very important to me, because I learned I had it in 2006. I’m pretty sure I had it before 2006 but in that year I picked up my husband for a biopsy and took him to an outpatient surgical center. While I was there waiting for the biopsy to be completed, […]
- 📅 Adrenal Insufficiency United’s Lunch & Learn, Los Angeles California, May 3Adrenal Insufficiency United’s Lunch & Learn Events are one day mini-conferences located in different cities in the USA. We find great local speakers to lead sessions and give presentations about issues affecting those with adrenal insufficiency. These one day events will be packed full of opportunities giving attendees more chances to ask questions, share their […]
- ⁉️ Cushing’s Myths and Facts: Cushing’s is RARE, No one has Cushing’s!Myth: “Cushing’s is RARE”, “No one has Cushing’s!”, “It is literally impossible for you to have Cushing’s Disease!”
- ℹ️ Adrenal insufficiency BasicsAdrenal insufficiency is a condition where the adrenal glands don't produce enough of certain hormones, primarily cortisol and sometimes aldosterone. This disorder can be categorized into primary (Addison's disease) and secondary forms.
- 🖤 In Memory: Alena Renea Weeks Greenhill ~ March 30, 2007It may not have been adrenal crisis, but it may have, as Renea, after her BLA, didn't need replacement. She hadn't taken hydro for some year(s), and yet her cortisol was always '0'. The doctors would just scratch their heads. Renea was 31.
- 📞 Cushing's Online SurveyCushing's Syndrome (Hypercortisolism) patients United States 30-minute online survey, compensation is $60
- 📰 First-Episode Psychosis and Cushing SyndromeNeuropsychiatric symptoms of Cushing syndrome are well documented, including irritability, anxiety, depressed mood, and cognitive impairment.
Music & Local Events
- 💰 Teach Your Kids Dollars and Cents TodayEmpower your children with the financial skills they will need as they grow into adults. This presentation will provide practical strategies for money management, setting financial and savings goals, using credit wisely and making good money decisions.
- 🌱 Wolf Trap presents: Singin’ Sunshine, TodayMusic, colorful visuals and movement will teach and engage young children. A focus on keeping a steady beat with clapping, stepping and movement will nurture body/brain coordination. Multiple interactive moments will help children identify and learn about their emotions and build their problem-solving skills.
- ☕️ Coffee and Crafts, April 1Visit us in our maker space and try out our sewing machine, Cricut, or one of our maker boxes. Bring a project to work on or make one of ours. Weekly until April 16
- 👀 April Fools Scavenger Hunt & Humor Board for All Ages, April 1It is April Fools Day! Some things are just slightly off at the John Marshall Library. Can you find at least five of them? Do you love reading humor, watching comedies, or sharing jokes?
- 🚴🏼♀️ Learn to Ride, April 1Have you ever wanted to learn to ride a bicycle? Here is your chance! Fairfax County Department of Transportation and Oakton Library offer a children’s bike education class to teach the skills to incorporate bicycling into your daily routine–whether that’s for fitness, fun, or transportation.
- 🥿 Drew Blue Shoes, April 1Abracadabra! The Fun Awaits with Drew Blue Shoes at Frying Pan Farm Park! Experience a morning of magic and laughter with Drew Blue Shoes Kids become magicians–pull coins from ears, find bananas and make rubber chickens fly!
- 😎 Register for Vacation Bible School (VBS)For potty-trained three year olds through ninth graders. Embark on an exciting journey with Road Trip VBS, based on Joshua 1:9 – "The LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Discover God's presence everywhere as we explore new places, make new friends, and experience God's goodness together. Join us in a fun-filled adventure […]
- 📆 O'Connor Music Studio CalendarUpdated daily with music and Northern Virginia events.
- 🛐 Lenten Hymn and Devotion, Week 4Brian Stevenson, Pender UMC Director of Handbells and Ensembles, presents a series of hymn-based devotions at noon on Wednesdays during Lent. The Fourth is Beneath the Cross of Jesus
- 🐥 Raise Chicks this Spring, April 4 through 9Purchase your 4 chicks and specify your pick up day April 4-19, 2025. They sell out quickly! Add-on a care kit if don’t have one. Decide where you would like to keep the chicks, laundry room, bathroom, mud room, and set up a box to be their home. (Tips below) April 4-19: The Farm Market […]