Tag: video

National Read A Book Day

In another of the “Who Knew” Holidays…   National Read A Book Day is observed annually on September 6th. Don’t keep it to yourself.  Share the experience!  Read aloud to anyone who will listen. Reading improves memory and concentration as well as reduces stress.   Older adults who spend time reading show a slower cognitive …

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Labor Day – First Monday in September

  Labor Day was celebrated for the first time in New York City in 1882.  It was originally celebrated on September 5th, but was moved to the first Monday in September in 1884. Labor Day started out as a state holiday, getting voted in by individual states. As the day gained popularity, Congress declared Labor …

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It’s Labor Day Again!

  The first Monday of every September is dedicated to the men and women who have labored to build this country.  Through a time-honored tradition that has its roots in the coordinated efforts of the labor movement of the 1800s, we salute the American worker force. Labor Day was celebrated for the first time in New York …

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Happy Ice Cream Day!

  National Ice Cream Day is observed each year on the 3rd Sunday in July and is a part of National Ice Cream Month.  This day is a fun celebration enjoyed with a bowl, cup or cone filled with your favorite flavor of ice cream. Thousands of years ago, people in the Persian Empire would …

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High School Memories

  This is from one of those silly Facebook posts where they want you to copy and paste to share with your friends.  I decided to take it a bit further and expand just a *bit*.   Tell us about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the …

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World Emoji Day

  Another of those Who Knew holidays.   World Emoji Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated on July 17. The day is deemed a “global celebration of emoji” and is primarily celebrated online. Celebrated annually since 2014,[NBC reported that the day was Twitter’s top trending item on July 17 in 2015. Now before the emoji, …

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Happy 4th!

    Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from Great Britain. Independence Day fireworks are often accompanied by patriotic songs such as the national anthem “The Star-Spangled Banner”, “God Bless …

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National Sunglasses Day

    Elton John has over a thousand pairs, Canadian singer Corey Hart only wears his at night, and you can tell the good guys from the bad guys in The Matrix by the shape of theirs. What am I talking about? Sunglasses, of course! There’s nothing quite as stylish as a pair of shades, …

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National Cancer Survivor’s Day

    Observed annually on the first Sunday in June, National Cancer Survivor’s Day has been set aside to “demonstrate that life after a cancer diagnosis can be a reality.” Each year on National Cancer Survivor’s Day, events and celebrations are held and hosted around the United States by local communities, hospitals and support groups honoring …

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It’s Summer!

  In the United States and the rest of the northern hemisphere, the first day of the summer season is the day of the year when the Sun is farthest north (on June 20th or 21st). This day is known as the Summer Solstice.  

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